
Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Feburary 2009

The Garment District connected with the American Heart Association and helped host an event for students and teachers to learn how heart disease effects our everyday lives. The fashion design and apparel majors also contributed wonderful designs and helped raise money with every raffle people donated to vote for the most appealing design. The Garment District made red ribbons to distribute to all the attendees of the event. We were featured on the UD Student Network and an article was written about the event as well. It was a wonderful experience and we hope to help with the event next year, and make it even bigger and better.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lissa's Designs

The Garment District has focuses of the month, February was dedicated to Jewelry Design. Our second meeting as an official club we had guest speaker Melissa from Lissa's designs from Newark, DE.

She focused on teaching the members about everything jewelry had to offer. She discussed gemstones and the science behind jems though a presentation and visual aids. We were shown peals, diamonds, jade, and many other well known gems used in jewelry design.

Melissa brought several pieces she designed and after the presentation we worked on making our own earrings from wire and seed beads. Below are some pictures from the meeting.

Garment District Launch

 Garment District Launch Party February 27th, 2009 in the Perkins Gallery

It was a great success we introduced the new fashion forward club to Fashion Design Apparel majors and faculty members. 

We had food, a freindship bracelet making station, runway presentations, and create your own  artwork. 

It was a promising start to a great organization. 
This Club started in Fall 2008 and started meetings and membership recruitment in Spring 2009. We have had a wonderful semester full of speakers, lectures, working with other club events and creating art on campus. I am going to post picture and events the club was involved with this semester enjoy.